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Sunday, March 7, 2010

wo-mens day!

All humans, irrespective of any caste, creed, colour, religion or sex are born equal and in any civilized society should be offered the same opportunities to make the most of life. And any discrimination on the basis of sex is definitely a deterrent to the progress of the nation. Yes everybody knows this but we don’t follow it .why it is so that women’s are always being discriminated in our society. Either it may be in the case of sex or in employment. We can say that we are developed or civilized but this fact cannot be hidden that women’s are still exploit. India The fastest growing economy in the world. Ever growing Gross Domestic Product (GDP) everyone’s talking about development in India today, but sadly in spite of this growth, one sex continues to suffer in India and that’s the female ratio to male the sex ratio in India is nothing to be proud of . Talking about work force in India women barely represent eighteen per cent of it. American women represent almost 47 per cent of the entire nation’s work force. Even in a Communist country like China,women represent 40 per cent of the people working. It is just in India that women continue to be neglected. If we really want to develop we should develop women’s.


  1. Welcome to the world of blogs!
    Women are really treated very badly. They have become a marketing tool these days... more insights at: Market... Women... Sex
    Keep the spark alive...

  2. very gud anuja beautifully jotted down
